Wednesday, January 14, 2009

love nad understanding

To love, to hate are humans emotion. At times I wonder how one goes from love to hate. I had seen it happen many times, when people fall in love and they fall out of love hating each other so much you begin to wonder if these were the people that were so happy with each other.
One thing I had noticed is that when we first fall in love as humans we are blind to many things about our spouse that we see only the reason to be with them. We noticed their beautiful smile, lovely set of teeth, the way they smile etc and all this make you feel happy and want to be with that person. But as time goes on you begin to notice some things in your spouse that you don’t like and if they are not tolerable to you, you begin to dislike your spouse. Of course these are not the only reason why love turns sour; we have the trust issue, the cheating and so on. But it all bound up on not being able to tolerate you r spouse.
Let’s get something right, love is not just the things that make you happy, it’s not just the happy times only. Love is when we can tolerate one another and look past one’s lapses and be able to live with each other fault and lapses. Love is when we are able to be with that person when they need us, love is when you look beyond beauty. Love is tolerable, selfless, giving, forgiving, appreciative, understanding, considerable, and free and makes you happy and fulfilled. Love is not wicked, is not bondage, is not forceful, not for sale, doesn’t bring sadness, love is not negative.
We should try to love for the right reason because only then can we feel fulfilled and happy. Lets live life full of love and understanding.

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